School District 42 Scholarships

Scholarship Book 2024_2025 January 12 2025 NOW! Deadline for award submission to THSS Career Centre/Counselling is MARCH 7(unless otherwise noted in instructions).

*Please also note that applications for the BC Excellence and Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarships are being accepted until February 17, 2025.

The booklet contains both scholarships and bursaries:

  • Scholarships are based on academic achievement and volunteering
  • Bursaries are also based on academic achievement and volunteering but take the financial need of the applicant into consideration as well

Students should read through the booklet and identify scholarships and bursaries that they may be eligible for.  Create a list of awards you plan to apply for.

You may  wish to use the following fillable PDF’s for your application packages.

Appendix A – Instructions

Scholarship Book 2024_2025 January 12 2025

          • Leave AWARD # and AWARD NAME blank if you are eligible for more than one award
          • Fill in the rest of the form (type or print very neatly)
          • For every award you’re applying to, make a photocopy then fill in the AWARD # & NAME for each

Appendix B Application Page 1

Appendix C Bursary Application

Some awards need more forms. They are listed here:

CUPE Local 703 Application Fillable Form Appendix D

Whonnock Community Assoc. Application Fillable Form Appendix E

UPlan Bursary Application Fillable Form Appendix F

Royal Cdn Legion Ladies Aux Application Fillable Form Appendix G

 James Cameron School Bursary Application- Grad 2025 Appendix H

Kiwanis Club Bursary Application Fillable Form Appendix I

WomanCare Courage Award Application Form Appendix J

Gary and Nanette Lycan Application Form  Appendix K

Students should also check the District website often, for additional scholarships that did not get included in the booklet.

Now students are ready to begin the application process by putting each application together following the steps (See Appendix A-Instructions):

      • A to E for Scholarships
      • A to H for Bursaries

Write Your Personal Statement:

Obtain a copy of your Diploma Verification Report (DVR):

  • This is a record of your most up-to-date grades (this is NOT your report card or Transcript!)  Come to the Career Centre or see Records Clerk to get one printed
  • Photocopy one for each Award you’re applying to

Collect some reference letters (2 must be included in each application):

To prepare:

Gather any other documentation specifically required for each award

Bursaries Only

For those eligible, your bursary packages MUST include the above, plus another form and two more written statements:

SD42 Bursary Fillable FormAppendix C

  • Fill in and photocopy as you did for Appendix B

Personal Statement for Bursary(explaining the specific circumstances that make you eligible for financial assistance)

 Parent / Guardian Testimonial Statement (verifying your financial need)

District/Authority Scholarship Info

Area of interest Examples
Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies Business, Home Economics, Media Arts, Technology, Tourism
Community Service (Volunteer Activity) Includes awareness of local, global, and cultural issues
Fine Arts Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts
Indigenous Languages and Culture Demonstrated at school or in the community
Languages External Assessments or Languages Curriculum, including AP and IB courses
Physical Activity (and Health) Athletics, Dance, Gymnastics
Technical and Trades Training Coding, Culinary Arts, Mechanics, Robotics, Woodwork
